Retreats, Workshops, Speaking Engagements

Most people find public speaking more terrifying than death. I, however, am more inclined to fear rapidly-mutating viruses, poisonous reptiles, and ravenous wolves. (A few years ago, I made the awful mistake of agreeing to a late-night, full-volume, high-definition screening of “The Grey.” Liam Neeson’s brilliant performance aside, I do not recommend this film to anyone living within 1000 miles of a wolf pack.)

Actually, public speaking is a joy for me. Which must mean that I’m either unusually brave. Or half crazy.

(Or a little bit of both.)

I love people. And I like to talk. And teach. And relate. And emote.


And laugh and cry and cheer and holler.

I sometimes do all of the above in the space of a few minutes… in front of an audience. And I’d be honored to address yours.

If you’re looking for a speaker or facilitator for an upcoming event, workshop or retreat, I have a limited number of dates available in the upcoming months.

Retreat themes:

Treasure Hunters and Thrill Seekers

Quenched: Living Water for the Soul-Thirsty

Red Letter Life:  What Happens When We Live Like Jesus

Unplugged: Peace in His Presence

Infused: God’s Goodness and Grace in the Daily Grind

Clarity and Color: A Listening Retreat

Shine: Bright Hope in a Dark World

Restoration (A Refresher Course)

Seasonal retreat themes:

Good Growth: Cultivating a Spiritually Fruitful Life

Fresh Air and Sweet Dreams (Body and Soul Care)

Faith in Full Bloom: Pruning Shears and Precious Tears

Ablaze: Colorful Reflections on the Intimate, Infinite Love of Jesus

Harvest Time: Fresh Perspective on a Faith-filled and Fruitful Life

Gospel-centered Christmas messages:

One Starry Night

White Christmas

Love Was Born

Another Christmas Carol

Unwrapping the Gift

Winter Wonderland

Women’s events and workshops:

Camo and a Crown

The Happily Ever After Project

Grace and Peace: 24/7/365

Divine Detox

Teen events and workshops:

Fairy Tales and Movies

Future and Hope: Endless Possibilities, Foolproof Promises

Social Network: The Truth about Friends, Followers, and Fakers


Please fill out the “contact” form on this site or email me at if you’d like more information about my speaking schedule (or my irrational fear of big, bad wolves).