Searching for Answers (and the Rabbit Hole known as G**gle)

Every waking hour of every single day, we make choices.

A lot of them.

According to a 2016 article in the Wall Street Journal, some experts estimate the number of conscious and subconscious choices we make hovers around 2000.

Per hour.

(No wonder I’m tired.)

Sure, some of those choices are small and relatively inconsequential. Green socks or grey? Almond butter or avocado on that slice of toast?

But some are bigger decisions with lasting effects.

On us… and others.

Pretty sure most of us want those choices to be well-informed.

(Instinct and impulse have both proven unreliable in my experience. You?)

Where do you get your information? Cable news, morning paper, daily podcast, Apple newsfeed? (Please don’t say TikTok.)

Who advises you when you have an important decision to make? Your dad/doctor/lawyer/life coach/co-worker? (Please don’t say bartender/palm reader/Gwyneth.)

There’s a glut of information out there. Billions (trillions?) of sources to choose from. Innumerable voices clamoring for your attention.

Which ones do you listen to?


(Take a second. I’ll wait.)

Do yourself a favor – don’t just listen to the loudest or the so-called smartest.

Sources matter.

Be selective.

Just like we choose what to eat every day, you and I get to choose the information we consume.

I can barely tolerate the money-grab/power-play/three-ring circus that is American journalism. So I limit my news sources. And I have little patience for wading through pop-ups and promos on the internet. So I limit my screen time.

How do we narrow the field and get good answers to tough questions, sound advice for hard decisions?

Some people skip the talking heads and go straight to friends for input… but…

*Proceed with caution.*

Because sometimes our charming/cheerful/funny friends offer well-meaning advice… that later proves to be misguided (or downright lousy).

Other folks seek professional help. And while I encourage therapy (for pretty much everyone, myself included), I must forewarn: there’s a limited supply of licensed, experienced therapists available.

And a serious shortage of good ones.

What we do have ready access to is…


God, help us.

I mean that.

God, help us not turn to Google before we turn to you.

What’s your go-to?

You can go straight to God.

Or you can just go/ogle the limited knowledge of mere mortals. (See what I did there? ^)

The fact is the information Google disseminates can be inconsistent/incomprehensible/biased… and occasionally, terrifying.

Ever Google your symptoms? (You’re dead.)

Even The Atlantic acknowledged the search engine’s fallibility in a September 2023 article: “The Tragedy of Google Search.”

Internet searches can lead us into a labyrinth of questionable sources and conflicting data. Alice (or Alex) types in a keyword… and tumbles down a rabbit hole of “answers” many of which are limited in perspective or lacking in proof.

Some people forego Google and look for advice/answers/info on social media instead.

Word to the wise:


They’re called “influencers” because they want to exert influence over you. (And maybe take your money too.) They should not be trusted advisers.

Not only is social media the “wild wild west” of information sourcing… it can also lead down a dark alley of uncertainty, insecurity and anxiety. (Props to Selena for stating that so plainly.)

Me? I’d like to be better informed.

I want to gather solid information from trusted sources. The wisest and best.

Which means…

God first.

If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask him, and he will gladly tell you, for he is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask him; he will not resent it.  But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to tell you, for a doubtful mind will be as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind; and every decision you then make will be uncertain, as you turn first this way and then that. If you don’t ask with faith, don’t expect the Lord to give you any solid answer. ~ James 1:5-8 (TLB)

God knows everything.

And he knows you. He knows your situation, your relationships, your fears, your strengths and struggles better than anyone. He knows your history (and your heart) best.

Go to him first. Ask him for the answers you need.

Be humble, honest, expectant.

And have a little faith that he’ll answer.

(He will.)

Your word is like a lamp that shows me the way.
    It is like a light that guides me. ~ Psalm 119:105 (ERV)

Need directions/clarity/help/hope?

Crack open the Book.

It’s a good one.


P.S. “God gives us his Word for our instruction and blessing. It truly is the one indispensable book.” ~ Jimmy Carter

“Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems (people) face.” ~ Ronald Reagan